12 Jun 20 Years of Lola Star!
Happy 20th Anniversary to Lola Star Coney Island! Memorial weekend was my 20th anniversary of owning a shop on the boardwalk. What a wild ride. Two decades of Coney Island fabulousness. I thought we’d be commemorating this monumental accomplishment by throwing a gigantic bash lasting the entire season…. but instead of a big celebration I’m still hovering in this limbo of possible being kicked out due to a 400% rent increase.
I still have not reached a lease renewal agreement with Luna Park to continue subleasing my boardwalk shop on the taxpayer owned land they lease from the City. I hope that now, in this COVID struggle which we are all drowning in, they will do the right thing. The community needs to come together and not be torn apart by greed. I truly believe Coney Island needs my spirit, activism and creativity now more than ever. So, in celebration of 20 years of the triumph of the Coney Island spirit, we are OPEN for curbside pickup!
We will be open Today 11-7, Saturday 11-7 and Sunday 11-7! Come soak in the magic and safely distanced good vibes!