08 Jan Coney Island is for Lovers!!
Calling all Coney Island Lovebirds!
Send us your Coney Island Love Story!!!
Did you fall in love in Coney Island? Is it your special romantic date place? Did your grandparents meet in Coney Island? Did your parents get married in CI?
Please send Lola Star your photo/story and we will feature your love in our “Coney Island is for Lovers” Valentines window display at our Lola Star Soho Pop Up Boutique (435 Broome St, at Broadway)! We will also feature your romantic love story and photo on our web site!
Win a $50 gift Certificate to Lola Star! We will award the most romantic love story in the Contemporary and Vintage (1960 or earlier) Love story categories with a $50 Gift Certificate to Lola Star!!
Free Lola Star Coney Island Lovebirds tote bag for all who contribute!