11 Apr Coney Island Baby!
You never know where life will take you! And you never know who you will be so blessed to meet each day in Coney Island!!!! Today I met a couple from Seattle today who came to NYC for one last weekend of luxury before their baby was born! She was 28 weeks pregnant. They had a luxurious weekend in NYC planned but after only 24 hours in the city her water broke & she gave birth to a tiny little premature baby boy! That was a month and a half ago! The baby is doing great considering the circumstances but he is too small to travel back to Seattle! So they are stuck! They found an apartment in Harlem & had to find work here. They spend all their free time visiting him at the hospital (he’s four pounds now!) & all their family is back in Seattle! Today is the first day that they took some time for themselves so they ventured out to Coney Island! I joked about how the baby just wanted to be a New Yorker! They laughed & said they are actually considering staying & permanently relocating to NYC now that they had jobs & an apartment!! A weekend trip turned into a baby New Yorker & a possible future here! I made them promise to come back to the store to tell me what happens next!!!