Free, live music at the Riis Park Bazaar!
Like all day music events? Great, we do too! Run on down to the Bazaar for a whole day of dancing and sunny sunshine! There is a huge variety of bands and genres so there’s music everyone can love!
Rockaway Beach is a not-so-hidden gem of New York City, with a beautiful ocean, loads of amazing local eats and a bustling boardwalk, so it’s no wonder people leave Manhattan by the thousands to enjoy a nice summer day there. This year, NYC’s favorite beach (sorry, Coney Island) is getting even cooler and throwing its very first music festival! The organizers behind Rock! Away! are expanding their typical one-night events into a three-day party that will take over Riis Park Bazaar from July 14-16th and host an incredible lineup of local Rockaway and NYC musicians. Need even more of a reason to go? Well, it’s FREE, and there will be a number of afterparties around town, so grab or rent a houseboat and come make Rockaway your home for the weekend! Be sure to check out the event’s for more details and updates.