22 Aug Hurray! The weekend is here!
Hurrraaayy! It’s the weekend!! Don’t let the summer slip by without having a pina colada in Coney Island with your BFF! Yes! The pina colada stands are open! Swing by and visit our friend Desiree at her fab stand behind the Wonder Wheel! She will be slinging tropical drinks all weekend! Tell her we sent you!
Support your favorite Coney Island businesses! Come visit us on the boardwalk this weekend! Or show your support for Lola Star by shopping online at lolastar.com! You can also swing by our new pop up shop inside Superfine, Dumbo and snag a pina colada in a new Lola Star to go cup!
So many rad options to drink pina coladas in the sunshine & support our struggling small business! Hoping to see you soon!