10 Jul Lola Star’s Dreamland Roller Rink revived in Prospect Park with disco skate parties
The disco era is rolling back to Brooklyn.
Dianna Carlin, known as Lola Star, who ran the now-defunct Dreamland Roller Rink off the Coney Island Boardwalk, is bringing her beloved retro skate parties to Prospect Park.
Lola Star’s Dreamland Roller Disco will kick off each Friday starting July 11 at Prospect Park’s outdoor roller rink in a bid to revive the vintage vibe in the borough.
“It was a magical scene,” said Carlin, referring to the hot pink roller-skating palace she was forced to close in 2011 following a two-year run at the historic Child’s Restaurant building when the landlord refused to renew her lease.
“It was heartbreaking, but I knew it wasn’t the end. I knew it was something I would reinvent bigger and better.”
Read Full Article Here: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/brooklyn/lola-star-dreamland-roller-rink-revived-prospect-park-disco-skate-parties-article-1.1847122