05 Nov Pathway 2 Paris Benefit for Climate Change!
I saw the amazing benefit for climate change last night at Carnagie Hall- organized by Patti Smith’s daughter, Jesse Smith. This was the first time I had the pleasure of seeing Patti Smith perform. In awe of her presence & voice. She read poetry to Flea’s bass & covered Cat Steven’s Where do the Children Play. I saw one of my life long music loves, cover Velvet Underground’s Sunday Morning & Nat King Cole’s Nature Boy, Joan Baez cover Imagine (and bust some hot dance moves during Taleb Kweli’s set), Cat Power play a breathtaking set, Tibetan singer, Tenzin Choegyal who brought their elders to the stage to sing, Dr Vandana Shiva spoke about saving the planet…. and more….. it felt so good to be among thousands of people who truly care about the environment. and the night ended with everyone singing Patti Smith’s People have the Power. And despite everything it really felt like there was hope. ??????? (and scored a few slices of late night vegan pizza on the way home- yay!). Check out my Instagram story for more magical moments!