12 Sep Roller disco magic
Good morning! Thinking about the magical morning after after-glow and drinking coffee out of the Brand new dreamland Roller Rink coffee mug I designed yesterday!
Do you remember the roller disco after glow? When I wake up, the morning after a fabulous Dreamland party I’m still floating in the magic. Still caught in the aura of of Dreamland, the feeling of roller disco dance floor love.
Eventually the reality of the day kicks in and that floating magic fades into reality. Until the next party…. and the next morning after after-glow.
I always say that the Cure’s “Friday I’m in Love” is my love song to roller disco. Because no matter what’s happening in my life “Monday you can fall apart, Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart Oh, Thursday doesn’t even start” on Roller Disco Friday, I’m in love!!!!
I’m so infinitely grateful for the magic we create when we all come together, on the dance floor, for my Dreamland events. SO much more so now that we’ve been apart for so long. And OMG, I need that roller disco love more then ever, as I am fighting for my shop Lola Star Coney Island and the loss of my best friend my dog shimmer
Until then, I’m gonna sip my coffee in my Dreamland Roller Disco mug and remember that roller disco morning after after-glow feeling. Dreamland mugs, pint glasses, to go cups and more are available at lolastar.com