05 Oct The time Lola met Bjork!
In honor of our Bjork & 90s Club Kid skate party at Dreamland Roller Disco tomorrow I present the story of the first time I met Bjork!
The last notes of the final song of Bjork’s show at Radio City music hall faded into the cascading applause. The sound amplified as the sense of nervousness inside me grew at the same pounding decibel. It was a challenge unlike any I’d faced before. I am a seasoned pro at sneaking back stage with a flawless track record. I’ve successfully snuck back stage at countless shows and never failed. But never at venue as formal and daunting as Radio city music Hall. I don’t remember having a plan as I walked the opposite direction as the crowd exiting the theater. I wore a long iridescent skirt that shifted from fuchsia to green and a bright red fake fur vest as I walked towards the stage with a bag of Lola Star tee shirts in hand. I had a mission. I must deliver this bag of Lola Star tees to one of my great inspirations and musical heros. You could consider what came next as a revelation from the dance floor gods, or the fact that I really saw no other possibly for getting back stage. I hoisted myself up onto the stage with such confidence and obviousness that no one stopped to question me. I got in line with the orchestra and walked back stage with them! My heart was paralyzed with the joy/horror that this was truly happening. I was backstage. But alas, my luck didn’t last. As I was looking for Bjork I was stopped by a guard who noticed I didn’t have a backstage pass. I told him that I didn’t wast it to ruin my obviously awesome outfit. He was unamused and demanded to see the pass. I kept talking and trying to get on his good side as I fumbled through my purse looking for the pass that did not exist. “I must have lost it!” I said. He was void of sympathy and pointed me down a long hallway with fluorescent lights with an exit sign at the end and told me to “get out.” I walked down the hallway defeated. I couldn’t believe I was that close only to get kicked out. But the backstage gods smiled upon me again. I noticed a bathroom. I quickly glanced over my shoulder to see if he was watching as I walked into the bathroom. He wasn’t. I waited in the bathroom for what seemed like an eternity. Until….. it was time. I slowly & cautiously I exited back into the fluorescent light hallway clutching the bag of Lola Star tees I made for Bjork. Praying hard that I did not run into that same security guard. Now the backstage area was empty. I found a hallway that led to a stairwell, that led to and endless maze of floors and rooms. I wandered around for awhile looking for Bjork’s dressing room. Then I heard two people approaching. They seemed as though they would know where it was. Again, I don’t remember coming up with this plan until the words started coming out of my mouth… “hi, I’m so sorry, I’m the assistant stylist to (made up name) who is working with Bjork. I was suppose to meet him but I can’t find her dressing room!” They were more then happy to assist me & told me exactly what floor & room her dressing room was on! And then…. SUCCESS! I met my hero & delivered the bag of tee shirts to her!